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The power of enjoyment

The feeling on enjoyment is super important as it directly correlates to the time, efficiency, energy, commitment and effort you put into a certain activity. Hating a certain activity isn't a positive effect on the brain and decreases the likelihood of you continuing or progressing further. This concept remains the same no matter the activity whether it be your job or your workout regime. Find strategies and methods you like and that work for you, your goals, your lifestyle, interests and time.

How can you expect yourself to stick to any plan or regime if you’re hating every second of it? That’s not manageable, attainable nor is it fair on you and your mindset. Enjoyment can have a massive impact upon mindset, this in turn affects attentiveness and effort to a certain activity, therefore directly impacting the progress which can be made.

Find methods of training that you enjoy, find a balance you enjoy with your nutrition, find enjoyable recovery strategies, hobbies, mindfulness etc... any aspect which allows you to train happier and more effectively is super important.

So how do you know what activity you’ll enjoy?

You don’t until you try it!

Okay but how do you know activities to try out?

Do your research, find out what is going on in your local area, ask PT's or fitness professionals, take inspiration from family or friends etc... No one is telling you to do Zumba just because all the other school mums do, find what you find enjoyable. Also just because you try one session does not mean you are stuck, cancel the membership or don't book again, but at least you know it isn't for you.

Here's some examples of activities/classes you can try out:

  • Zumba

  • Yoga

  • Functional Fitness

  • Pilates

  • CrossFit

  • Circuits

  • HIIT

  • Strength training

  • Cardio-vascular

  • Weightlifting

  • Sport specific e.g. football, netball, badminton, swimming, cycling

Make the move and try something new out!

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