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Learn a little bit about me and the Sophitness brand

Health and fitness have always been huge passions of mine. In my younger years I have competed in an array of different sports, as I've got older I've taken this interest and drive into the gym. From my own training in the gym through different goals, sport specific styles, health & injury cycles, I now help others too!

With thousands of coaching hours under my belt, helping clients with confidence, form, lifestyle changes, progression, sport specific training etc... I can help you too!

Here at Sophitness education and fitness is at the forefront of what we deliver, allowing you to feel knowledgeable, confident and motivated throughout your own journey. Your training and support is tailored to your wants and needs, whether this be technique, sleep, weight management, nutrition, sport specific, competition/event focussed etc....

I am a female Personal Trainer passionate around promoting health, wellbeing, mindset and movement for all through functional fitness. 

Functional Fitness is at the heart of all training here at Sophitness! 

So what is functional fitness, and why do I use it? 

  • Replicates everyday movements:

Lifting, carries, squat and hinging movement patterns which we all use on a daily basis without even knowing. Want to be able to carry all the shopping home comfortably? Be able to sit on a chair without using the arms? Be able to pick your children up from the floor? Etc...

  • Performance based mindset: 

It's all too easy to allow the scales to determine your progress made, however it is about so much more: mindset, progress through gym performance, nutrition, energy levels etc....

  • Education: 

Providing you with sufficient knowledge and confidence for all aspects around training, such as nutrition, sleep, recovery etc..

  • Longevity in Fitness:

Allowing you to sustain a safe and active lifestyle for a lot longer!

  • Corrective exercise:

 Working on weaknesses whether that be stability, strength, mobility or technique etc...

  • Sport Specific:

If needed training can be tailored to specific sports/ events you may be performing in or whether your goal is to be able participate in one. 

  • Engaging and progressive:

 Week on week progressing your sessions at a comfortable rate to allow you to reach/achieve your goals. 

  • Pain reduction and injury prevention:

Become stronger, more efficient, perfect technique, improve mobility, increase confidence, to allow you to move well, safely and confidently. 

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